Normativity and Metaethics
What should we do and what has value? How do our actions and who we are fit with norms and rules?
I'm editing a volume for OUP - The Future of Normativity - and writing a book-length discussion of normativity and evaluation.
Undergraduate Teaching
I have taught courses in many areas of philosophy: aesthetics, ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics and figures in the history of philosophy. I have also taught students in medicine, law and business.
During 2023-24 I am teaching Ethics: Normative and Practical, PPE (both Kent) and various topics in applied ethics (Leeds).
The Ethics of Imitation
We imitate each other all the time - in everyday life and in art, science and business. Much of this leads to positive progress. But it has a darker side: one person's 'creative borrowing' or homage, is another person's immoral appropriation. We outlaw intellectual theft and look down on plagiarism. But how are all forms of copying, homage, appropriation and emulation linked? Which forms should be outlawed, which allowed and which encouraged?
PhD Supervision
I have supervised / co-supervised many successful PhD students. Many of my students are now academics or have other sorts of teaching and research careers.
Please email me to enquire about supervision.
Current and recent topics:
aesthetic concepts and motivation
agreement and disagreement
automation and work
blame and responsibility
Kant and human rights
role ethics
thick and thin concepts
virtue ethics and psychology
Philosophy and Comedy
What are the limits of free speech when it comes to comedy and humour? Are there any? What makes things funny? How come many of us find the same things funny? Is stand-up comedy art?